Do you want to avoid dealing with problems in your powder coating application? No worries! In this blog post, we will explore the top six coating problems that affect powder coating and how to address them.

Whether you’re a novice or an expert, it’s essential to be informed about the common issues that arise in powder coating.

Poor Surface Preparation

When it comes to powder coating, poor surface preparation can be one of the biggest culprits of coating problems.

Contaminants such as oil, dust, and other debris can interfere with the coating’s ability to adhere to the substrate, leading to coating failures. Surface roughness can cause inconsistencies in the finish, and poor cleaning can lead to residue build-up that affects the coating’s performance. To avoid these problems, ensuring proper surface preparation is crucial.

Before powder coating, it’s essential to thoroughly clean the surface, removing any contaminants or debris. Mechanical abrasion or sandblasting can create a profiled substrate that promotes optimal adhesion, and chemical pre-treatment may also be necessary. One common mistake in surface preparation is assuming one can skip a process without causing issues. However, missing one step, such as using a degreaser, may prevent the powder coating from adhering correctly.

Be sure to follow all necessary measures in surface preparation, including a detailed checklist for consistency. Proper preparation is essential for powder coating success, ensuring that your coating is durable, uniform, and long-lasting.

Poor Curing

When powder coating is improperly cured, it can lead to many issues, such as coating delamination, cracking, and even chipping.

Knowing how to cure a powder-coated product properly is essential to ensure that it lasts as long as possible. The most common issues due to poor curing are incomplete, over-baking, and under-baking. Incomplete curing can cause coating failure or premature wear and tear while over-baking can lead to colour fading, discolouration, and even dangerous off-gassing. Under-baking can cause coating defects, leading to a weak and brittle finish.

To avoid these problems, one should always refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines, follow recommended curing temperatures and times, and ensure that the oven temperature is uniform. Other factors that may affect proper curing include substrate thickness, the colour of the coating, and humidity, among others. To ensure that your powder coatings are cured correctly, working with reputable professionals with experience in powder coating is essential.

Proper curing techniques can ensure that your coating remains durable, uniform, and long-lasting.


Mottling in powder coating refers to an uneven appearance that can result from several factors, including improper powder application, powder particle size, and the condition of the substrate.

Mottling manifests as rough surface texture, causing inconsistencies in the coating finish. If left unaddressed, it can compromise the strength and durability of the coating, leading to premature failure or the need for a costly rework. It can occur for many reasons, including inadequate equipment, improper powder coverage, and incorrect application speed. It’s essential to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to prevent mottling, which include directions for the ideal spray speed and powder particle size.

Mottling can be remedied by adjusting the powder application technique, using properly ground powder particles, or addressing the condition of the substrate. An experienced powder coating professional can also recommend the proper coating process, including the ideal equipment and tools, to prevent or avoid future occurrences.

By following best practices to address mottling, the coating’s appearance can be improved and coated products can have a consistent finish.

Orange Peel

Orange peel appearance in powder coating is a common issue that is best described as having a wavy or uneven texture that resembles the skin of an orange. Several factors, including incorrect powder particle size, insufficient air pressure during the application, and varying substrate levels, often cause it.

Orange peel texture can make a coating appear unsightly and can reduce the longevity of the powder coating. To prevent or address orange peel texture, it’s essential to identify the root cause of the problem. Factors contributing to orange peel, such as insufficient system pressure or improper grounding, should be addressed.

Additionally, using the right spray gun and nozzle, adequately granulating powder particles, and ensuring the surface is clean and free from debris can help to prevent the problem. It can be rectified by sanding down the coating until the texture is smooth or by recoating with fresh powder after addressing the root problem.

With proper technique and expertise, it can be avoided, ensuring the coating achieves a uniform and attractive finish.


Blistering is a defect in powder coating that occurs when air or water vapour becomes trapped beneath the surface of the coating layer. This can cause unsightly “blisters” to appear; in severe cases, blistering can cause adhesion failure and coating disbanding. Factors contributing to blistering include improper curing temperatures or times, moisture during curing, inadequate surface preparation, or humidity. When blistering occurs, the underlying issue must be immediately addressed, and the affected area should be removed or recoated following the proper treatment.

Preventative measures include proper substrate preparation, ensuring adequate curing temperatures and times, and regulating the humidity and moisture present in the environment. Additionally, using the correct equipment and application techniques, such as powder particle size and spray gun pressure, can minimise the risk of blister formation.

Working with an experienced powder coating professional is crucial to ensure you have the correct information, products, and techniques to avoid blistering and other defects, ensuring your finished product is strong, durable, and attractive.

Colour Variation

Colour variation is a common issue in powder coating, which results in a lack of consistency of colour across the coated product. This problem can occur due to various factors, including inadequate mixing of the powder coating material, variations in the powder coating’s pigment or dye, or improper surface preparation. It can be an incredibly challenging issue for manufacturers, leading to increased rework costs and compromising the end product’s aesthetics and performance.

Following the manufacturer’s guidelines for mixing and application, such as accurate measurements and proper powder storage, is essential to avoid issues with colour variation. Additionally, inspecting the powder’s pigments and dyes before application to ensure they are consistent and well-mixed can prevent unwanted variations in colour. Proper handling of the substrate and providing an appropriate application method can also help reduce the likelihood of colour variation. Colour variation can be corrected by adjusting the composition of the powder coating or by remixing the material.

In other cases, removing and recoating the product may be necessary. Working with experienced professionals in powder coating can provide valuable insights to help prevent colour variation and ensure that the end product has a consistent and attractive finish.


In conclusion, we have examined the top six coating problems that affect powder coating. It’s essential to address these issues to ensure that your powder coating is durable, uniform, and attractive.

By taking the necessary precautions and specific steps, you can avoid or eliminate problems that arise in the powder coating process. However, if you need help with powder coating or have questions regarding the process, feel free to contact us for expert advice and assistance.